(520) 395-0512 info@swsportsandspine.com

Anonymous Reporting

         Phone: (520) 395-0512                    General Fax: (520) 505-4108
Email: info@swsportsandspine.com

Southwest Sports and Spine takes the safety of
our patients and others very seriously.

If you suspect someone of misusing their medications (e.g. overtaking, selling/sharing, etc.)
please do not hesitate to inform us.

In order to fully evaluate a claim, at least one of the following must be provided:
patient name, physical description, recent appointment date, etc.
Please fill the form with as much information as you can provide.

*This form is fully anonymous; no personal information is acquired from the reporter*
All claims will be thoroughly investigated.

Example: “I’m reporting your patient named Ron. He has a tattoo of a dragon on his arm and has white hair and a long white beard. He is selling his oxy 15. Please look into it.”